
<jsp:useBean id="cb" scope="session" class="colors.ColorGameBean" />
<jsp:setProperty name="cb" property="*" />


<body bgcolor=<%= cb.getColor1() %>>
<font size=6 color=<%= cb.getColor2() %>>

<% if (cb.getHint()==true) { %>

    <p> Hint #1: Vampires prey at night!
    <p>  <p> Hint #2: Nancy without the n.

<% } %>

<% if  (cb.getSuccess()==true) { %>

    <% if  (cb.getHintTaken()==true) { %>

        <p> ( although I know you cheated and peeked into the hints)

    <% } %>

<% } %>

<p> Total attempts so far: <%= cb.getAttempts() %>


<form method=POST action=colrs.jsp>

Color #1: <input type=text name= color1 size=16>


Color #2: <input type=text name= color2 size=16>


<input type=submit name=action value="Submit">
<input type=submit name=action value="Hint">

